What To Do When You’ve Lost Ambition

Being strong enough to handle adversity doesn’t make adversity any less of a hurdle to get over or through—depending on your preferred methods of attack.

Whether you have or have not noticed, I have personally been going through some minor things as a result of this little (INSANELY STRESSFUL AND BEAUTIFUL) thing called life.

It’s as if I can succeed at one thing and fail at the other, in a constant bouncing motion on a teeter-totter. Since I am the only one on this said ‘teeter totter,’ I’m sure you can imagine how difficult it is to balance everything I love at once.

It’s as if I can succeed at one thing and fail at the other, in a constant bouncing motion on a teeter-totter. Since I am the only one on this said ‘teeter totter,’ I’m sure you can imagine how difficult it is to balance everything I love at once.

One week I am dancing and clapping after checking my grades to see high scores and good feedback—with ZERO views on my website and no growth on social platforms. The next week, I am dumbfounded by a surge in views and interaction from readers after a tiring blogging day—with the tiny voice of my management concepts textbook calling my name like a hyperactive toddler.

Needless to say, on the days when one part of my life is pulsating with life, I easily lose ambition for anything else I used to care about—and vice versa depending on my mood. It’s both unfair and unhealthy for me to continue on the path of believing that only one thing can be done, and done well, while the other has to be pushed to the side.

School is my TOP priority, but so are my hobbies and side hustles. My classes deserve all of my attention, and my hobbies deserve all of the extra time I have to give.

Your responsibilities, hobbies, and methods of relaxation CAN coexist! Share on X

If you find yourself struggling with a loss of ambition in life, college or work, trust me, you're going to be okay. If it takes me screaming in your ear for you to believe that you’re able and strong enough to jump over multiple hurdles at once, email me so I can send you a (very loud) audio message.

It’s not enough to lose ambition for one thing and have a backup plan that, although acceptable, isn’t fulfilling emotionally and spiritually. We both deserve to work on everything that keeps us waking up in the morning, interchangeably, with little to no possibility of losing interest in either endeavor.

A couple questions I like to ask myself because talking to myself (and God) is a daily habit, are:

Why did you start doing what you’ve lost ambition for?
Are there other responsibilities, people, or unforeseen situations that have helped you lose ambition?
Where will you be in one year if you dropped one thing that you loved to pursue the other full-time? Are you happy with where you see yourself? If not, is it worth it to drop anything in the first place?

Now, I know how silly these questions seem especially when suggesting that you ask and answer them yourself. It is CRUCIAL to self-reflect on a regular basis, with or without a heavy and packed 'plate.'

Shamelessly referencing my favorite thing (food)… If I’m starving, why in the world would I dump the macaroni and leave myself with a pork chop and some greens? If my reason was because I didn’t want to mess with carbs at the moment, how fulfilled will I really be after eating food that didn’t nearly fill me up enough?

Speaking for myself, I would regret not eating the macaroni after 30 minutes when my stomach starts to rumble again. I could’ve already been digesting those carbs, but no…I wanted to save a few calories that I inevitably ate anyway with a second helping of the same unfulfilling portion of food.

That example wasn’t meant to make total sense, but it does help prove my point and the fact that dropping something for an unsubstantial reason isn’t always the responsible thing to do. What’s responsible, in my eyes, is reflecting on what you need to do to balance a heavy and fulfilling plate, with enough discernment to recognize what truly does and does not belong.


I pray that something in this post resonated with you if you, too, have lost ambition for something that matters in your life. I may have stressed this post being about life and college because, personally, one is my pork chop and the other is my macaroni, but there are plenty of other endeavors, dreams, and hobbies that fit under the same umbrella.

Do NOT believe, for one second, that performing a balancing act is not possible and therefore not worth working to do. I truly believe that although balancing two extremes may not be easy and all that fun, it IS worth it at the end of the day when you can say you did it and, God-willing, did it well.

I would love to get deeper into this subject in the comment section below or through email! Contact Me if you need to talk, vent or ask advice from someone that doesn’t know your story and can ‘give it to you straight,’ as the saying goes. I love connecting with you all and hope trusting me is something you’re comfortable doing!

Make sure to pin this post on Pinterest to share the love and Subscribe to both my YouTube channel for similar videos and The Intentional Newsletter to stay updated on posts, promotions and the re-launch of my second website for aspiring entrepreneurs, Blogging Bosses.

How bad do you want to do what you love?

DO IT, my friends, 

-Miss Lynn


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  1. Hey, just stumbled upon this on Pinterest and wanted to comment because hey, your posts matter. I’m at a point where I just had a horrible accident and working myself up to be better and trying to get back into school. I feel I’ve lost all ambition. But this article let’s me know I’m not alone, that it’s possible, and remind me to do some self reflecting. Thanks!!

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and it helped in some way! I’ll definitely be praying for you! It can be discouraging when major things happen that cause us to stumble but I commend you for going back to school! Wishing you the best ❤︎

  2. Great post! I follow you on IG and decided to take a look at your blog and found this post which totally speaks to me. I have major issues with starting something and losing total interest or getting discouraged. I’m trying to be more mindful of this trait and hopefully, I can do better in the future cause I sure am tired of starting over.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it! I totally feel you…It can be really discouraging when you feel like you’ve lost interest in something that means a lot to you! Praying you’re able to push through and re-spark the fire!