18 College Tips for Freshmen From a Graduating Senior
Look at you searching for college tips…If I were you when I was 18, doing my research before starting my first semester, I would’ve undoubtedly been a lot better off.
Well, here I am now—a graduating senior that has done pretty well for herself while carrying a suitcase filled with stories and tips to share after the fact. Without sounding too dramatic, college was by far THE BIGGEST and LONGEST lesson I've ever learned.
What’s that lesson, you ask? Read through this post to find out…While you’re reading, remember that everyone’s experience ranges from amazing to exceptionally amazing. It’s all about perspective no matter how negative things may seem.
I hope you all enjoy these tips and share them with your friends! (Hey, we ALL need help out here).

1. Learn how to manage your money early on. Financial literacy will save you THOUSANDS during undergrad.
2. Take time to make your schedule. Although prerequisite classes aren't always as flexible as upperclassmen ones, there are still plenty of valuable options that don't call for odd hours.
3. Never buy every book for every class until you’re 100% sure it’s required. (Asking your professor the first day is key).
4. Look up every resource your school offers for students. Whether it’s a fitness program, on-campus counseling, a dietician, food pantry, or upcoming events…You’re 100% paying for it in your student/activities fee. Stay woke (and take advantage while you can).
5. Join an organization you love during your FIRST semester. Starting early can help you grow with that org and become an executive member during your junior and senior year.
6. Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. Even if it’s just 4 hours every other week for your local food bank, every bit counts and every minute helps.
7. Get in the habit of helping acquaintances/roommates. If it’s bringing their forgotten book to them on campus or giving someone a ride, you never know what favors they’ll help you with later. Remember, we struggle together and flourish together. #College
8. Keep an open mind when meeting anyone and everyone. You never know who’ll end up being your ‘ride-or-die’ after a long semester of work/activities.
9. Tough weeks call for a movie or night out on the weekend. I know you don’t feel like getting out of bed, but you have to. Keep going.
10. Being late becomes a habit. Never get comfortable waking up or walking in after class already started. (Although it's rare, some professors hold grudges and find any reason to sabotage a flaky student).
11. Relationships are great but just as complicated as they were in high school. You’re not missing out or gaining any new ‘unicorn-like' experience. Always form a friendship first.
12. Sex is, also, nothing you should be seeking in college. More often than not, it’s ten times more problematic when thousands of young people are on one campus at one time. Be careful, use your voice, and remember that 'no' can be a complete sentence.
13. Professors aren’t angels and they surely aren’t always right. Don’t be afraid to correct and stand up for yourself WHEN NECESSARY. (Also get used to being corrected).
14. Parties are great, but there’s always a chance that this can happen: Apartment collapse during college party… (So proud of my school guys, so proud).
15. Side hustles are a thing and they’re glorious. Write papers, walk dogs, freelance on Fiverr, work for a local farmer at farmers markets, etc. When there’s a will, there’s a way.
16. Take EVERYTHING in stride. It’s all about perspective because nothing is ever THAT serious.
17. We form extremely addictive habits when we’re stressed. Don’t get sucked into caffeine, smoking, drinking, or anything harmful when the going gets tough. (Trust me, the going will get THAT tough sometimes. Don’t give in).
Finally, the MOST important tip of all…
18. Do whatever you need to do for YOUR happiness. If this means changing your major, creating an entirely new path that your family didn’t already approve of, or focusing more on a hobby that can sustain you…You NEED to put energy into something that you know can keep you moving for the rest of your life. There is no better time than your undergrad years to be as selfish with your future as you want. Don’t worry about the naysayers, they’ll understand your decision to DO YOU when you’re thriving.
Although college is supposed to be the best years of our life it is, undoubtedly, filled with tough moments, long nights, and questionable weeks. No matter how ‘foggy’ some moments get, always remember to shift your perspective.
Everything is figureoutable and every day is just another day to get things right.
I hope you all enjoyed these tips! If you ever need someone to answer college-related questions that you’re afraid to ask publicly, I’m always available. Shoot me an email or DM me on social media (@themakaylalynn).
Always chase self-improvement, my friends and
Live Intentionally,
Miss Lynn

Appreciate your post. Good One!
Glad you enjoyed it!