
Encouragement for Those That Haven’t Meet Their 2018 Goals

Although I’m not the kind of woman that calls a party “over” until it’s, actually, over—it’s safe to say that 2018 has come to an end.

With the holiday season in full force, the only thing many of us will be focusing on is either finals, family, food, or all three at one time (bless your hearts).

If I can be honest, I’m also not the kind of woman that forces her goals to be reached at the last minute. The stress and disappointment that comes with stuffing my foot into a glass slipper that doesn’t belong to me is far from appealing.

So, this post is for those that are in the same boat as yours truly. Keep reading if you, too, know that some, most, or all of your 2018 goals have not been met (yet *wink wink*).

Encouragement for Those That Haven't Meet Their 2018 Goals

I can say, without feeling self-pity, that many of the goals I set back in January will not be reached.

Yes, I detest using the word “never.”
No, I’m not above saying “not now.”

For me, acknowledging what is not is the only way to see what can be and the only way to focus on future choices rather than dwell on past decisions.

I, right now, am in a position to think ahead and let go of the past. Affirming statements work well, but actionable words feel even better during trying times. Words like: Yet, When, and Will are easy on the soul with just enough kick to jumpstart daily action.

With that said, I challenge you to adopt either of these words as your “safe word” for the next few months (including the beginning of 2019).



Like you’ve heard a million times before, "the best is yet to come."

Whatever you’ve been waiting for does not come with an expiration date, and can be considered at any age, in any situation, and at any time.

When you feel like you failed yourself, think “yet.”
Worried that something will never happen for you? Yet.
Fearful of how long it has been since a goal has been met? Yet.
Doubtful that you’ll ever be able to surpass a milestone? Yet.

Each and every time you feel yourself shrugging off hope, remind yourself of the many chances you have to get things right.

Think about your future being in waiting, rather than you waiting for your future. What is waiting out there has yet to meet you where you are.

Yet, not If.



Another word I lean on is “when.”

For me, using “when” to ward off doubt is a lifesaver. A life vest for those that can’t swim. A buoy in the ocean that we get to choose how close or far it floats from land.

Many people use "when" during casual moments, unintentionally “speaking things into existence” as I’m sure you’ve heard before.

When I get to ____.
When I can become ___.
When I begin to ___.

I, for example, am a realist at heart and dreamer in spirit. I know that I’m not where I want to be, rather than saying that I’m rich or saying that I’m perfectly content, but I believe that I’m capable of reaching those “things.”

I believe in speaking what you acknowledge isn’t there, into your path. Let’s be real, the whole “speak it into existence” phrase only goes so far. Sometimes what we speak is already waiting for us without the need to come into existence.

All we need, at that point, is to proclaim time as our friend

When, not Never.



Have you ever given yourself the tough love you may need at any given moment? Telling yourself that you “need to” to X, Y, and Z in order to make something happen?

Well, it’s time to crank that tough love up a notch and speak with pure action.
Instead of “need” or “want,” use “will.”

You will get your “ish” together.
You will do ___ to ___.
You will go to ___ when you ___.

When it comes to 2019, it’s time we become more intentional with how we speak to ourselves. More intentional with how much we put on our plate, knowing how well we can work under pressure.

Don’t accept can’t or won’t into your vocabulary when you know there’s room for yet and will.
Accept where you are while nodding towards where you will be.

Will, after all, is what lives inside of us. The purpose behind the plan. The drive behind the journey.

Will, not can’t.

Funny enough, the majority of this post was yet another letter to myself. I can be extremely tough on my spirit when the big red "reset" button comes around every December.

Even if I've survived mental hardships and health issues, while still managing to be a light for others (which sums up my 2018), I'll catch myself thinking about the wishlist I created the previous year.

Long story short, be gentle and courageous (to / for yourself). Forgive, but don’t back down. Let these last few months fly by, as they tend to do, and keep in mind how many more opportunities you have to start fresh.

Feel like you didn't reach any of your 2018 goals? Read this for some encouragement ❤️ Share on X

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As always,
Live (and press forward) Intentionally.

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