
Why You Need Both Realistic and Generous Goals Each Year

Why We Need Both Realistic + Generous Goals for the New Year

Happy New Year! Am I late? Oops.

Have you ever experienced those holidays when you completely forget who you are, what you're doing and almost ALL of your responsibilities? This was that kind of holiday season for your girl Makayla Lynn. If you have been following my blog, I sincerely apologize for my absence. If you're new and interested in this topic, welcome aboard and may the odds be ever in your favor because I’m about to rock your world for 2017.

With that said please make sure to Join my mailing list, a growing community of Intentional #BOSSES who are either building an online brand, in need of college tips, lifestyle hacks or monthly encouragement.


I have been reflecting on the past year a lot lately, thinking about all of the major life-altering changes that have occurred within the span of 365 days. I transferred universities and moved to a new city in 2016 (Houston to Dallas). I lost my grandmother at the beginning of my new semester at a new university, completely draining all excitement for the new year. I learned, for the first time, how to deal with grief and had a bout with anxiety and depression for a short period of time. I was more broke than I’ve ever been since I was 16 years old (pre-first job), and so on...

Needless to say, there were plenty of things that went WRONG and altered my already struggling state of mind. Not sure if anyone really noticed the chaos in my life, but it was there and made 2016 one of my hardest years to date.

After reflecting and noticing negative things more often than not, I decided to buckle down and consider the positive. What did I do that made me proud of myself? What did I work on the most and want to carry on into the new year and years to come?

This. My brand. themakaylalynn.com.

It dawned on me you guys! I realized that the one thing I can say makes me proud of who I am, enough to continue working on for the years to come, was my brand and everything I worked to create with my own two hands!

I found what makes me happy, and I intend to never let it go. Share on X


This is exactly what I want YOU to do. I want you to reflect on the previous year and consider what made you the happiest and the least happy. Where was your energy being placed? Why? What road do you see yourself on, realistically? What about in your dreams? WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE?!

I promise I’m not yelling, I just want you to understand how crucial it is to fight for what sets your soul on fire. Simply put. The End. Fin.

When it comes to setting goals, of course, there are realistic goals that one needs to set in order to feel ‘productive.’ But, just as it is important to be a realist at times, it is equally as important to be a dreamer and set generous goals for yourself in order to feel ‘accomplished.’

Realistic Goals to feel Productive.
Generous Goals to feel Accomplished.

Two important types of goals that yield two incredible outcomes—both that we deserve to feel continuously throughout life. I never doubt the obstacles that are unseen and in my path for 2017, which is why I allow myself goals that have blankets around them to prepare for soft landings ‘just in case.’ The last thing I want to feel is disappointed in myself because I didn’t give myself the opportunity to complete tasks and goals that made me feel as though I actually DID something that year. 

On the other hand, I am a lucid dreamer and can visualize certain events vividly while asleep and even daydreaming. So, with that ability I like to consider a superpower, I am constantly thinking about a life I created with my two bare hands. Not a life of riches and wealth, things, and power, but rather a fulfilled and accomplished life that I could share with others. Because of this, I enjoy setting generous goals that push my ambition to its limit, keeping me alive and thriving at all times.


Some realistic goals I have for 2017 are (when this post was written):
—Grow my social following and spread positivity to a larger audience.
—Offer at LEAST 5 different online courses or eBooks to help others achieve their dreams.
—Detox my body by eliminating dairy, most processed foods and TOO MUCH sugar. (Keywords: Too Much. Don’t get it twisted, my sugar tooth is here to stay).
—Travel to a few different states for fun. (My goals is around 5 major states). 
—Decide on which grad schools to apply to.

Some generous goals I have for 2017 are (when this post was written):
—Make enough money to support a comfortable lifestyle and maintain both websites + YouTube channel.
—Travel out of the country. (Preferably NOT in North America). 
—Share my FULL testimony on my YouTube channel and website. (Believe it or not, I am deathly afraid to share a FULL testimony. There are still some things that weigh heavily on my heart).
—Completely detox my body and eliminate red meat, dairy, and processed foods.


Although my goals may not seem insane, they all have a level of importance and therefore made it to my list for a reason. For 2017 (and the years to come), I urge you to set both realistic and generous goals for yourself in order to keep yourself on track and working for "something."

Hard work yields whatever you want it to. Depending on the work, the results will speak for itself as you grow and build whatever your heart is set on.

The rules fear itself places in your path are meant to be broken. Share on X

Live for something, work for something and do whatever it takes to feel both productive and accomplished. You deserve it.

I wish I could send pizza your way, but I’ll settle for good vibes,

- Miss Lynn


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