How I Tackle an Itchy Scalp + Get Rid of Dandruff

How to Tackle an Itchy Scalp and Get Rid of Dandruff

Tackling an itchy scalp and getting rid of dandruff is undoubtedly one of the most irritating tasks to take on. Not only do you have to be careful with the products you use, in case some are more drying than others, but the struggle of slapping your hand away every time you go to scratch is just as annoying. 

Really quickly, I wanted to share some key reasons WHY your scalp may be dry based on my own personal experience and what I’ve read on wellness blogs and articles.

The season may be the #1 reason why your scalp is suddenly dry and irritated. Most people experience dandruff during the winter months more so than the summertime because of how drying cold air can be on our skin, and how dramatic temperatures drop between fall and winter in most countries.

— You may be dehydrated and need to drink more water, or you’re not getting enough nutrients like Vitamin B or fatty acids. (Nuts, eggs, fish/poultry, most vegetable oils, etc.)

Stress. The underlying cause of everything on earth, it seems.

— Excess alcohol consumption or eating high-sugar foods, spicy foods or consuming too much salt.

Hormonal changes like puberty, pregnancy or menopause, etc.

Quick Tip: Remember that your scalp is still considered your SKIN. How you treat your arms, legs and stomach should remain the same when treating your scalp!


With that said, I am excited to share with you guys the main line of products that has helped me tame dandruff and aid in calming my scalp. Again, I have to remind you that many outward changes in your skin are a result of what’s going on inside your body. Drinking lots of water has also been a major reason why my dandruff is nearly GONE.

A couple months back, I was sent a line of L’Oreal products from Influenster, an online hub for product influencers and consumers looking for hair, makeup, beauty recommendations and the opportunity to receive free full sized samples to review!

Let me just say first that this trio of moisturizing and dandruff-busting products has saved me from a very uncomfortable winter season! Named the L’Oreal Ever Fresh line, I received their Antidandruff Shampoo, Conditioner and, my favorite, their Micro-Exfoliating Scrub.

L'Oreal Ever FreshL'Oreal Exfoliating Scrub


They recommend using the exfoliating scrub before shampooing, which has been a dream so far, in order to stimulate the scalp and get rid of any dandruff and buildup. This scrub was extremely relaxing and left a ‘minty’ feeling after washing it out. If there was one product I could repurchase out of the three, this scrub would undoubtedly remain in my shower for the rest of winter and even spring!

The shampoo and conditioner worked great, leaving my scalp both clean and flake-free for a full week after washing (which is normally a milestone I never reach during the colder months). I will admit that the shampoo made my hair feel a bit coarse after leaving it on for two minutes, but, thankfully, it was quickly softened after rinsing and applying conditioner.

If interested, I've provided the links to get these products online or you can search your local Target to purchase in-store!


Aside from cleansing my hair with antidandruff products, I’ve also made a habit of rinsing my hair with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). The acidity is perfect for getting rid of dandruff and helping to clear out your pores or rid of extra product buildup. It’s extremely important to know how helpful and harmful ACV can be, whether used on your face, body or scalp if applied without diluting.

If you’re interested in using ACV (recommended to use only once per week), try diluting the vinegar by adding three parts water and one part ACV. If you believe your skin can handle just two parts water, have at it, but as a sensitive human being with sensitive skin, I dilute as much as possible before applying to my face and scalp. 

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)


Quick Tip: I also use ACV as a toner! Yes, you heard right. I dilute the ACV with three parts water and store in a $1 bottle from Target. With a cotton round, every two nights or so, I press the toner into my skin to help rid of dark spots and keep my skin clear.


Along with everything mentioned above, whenever I’m not using the L’Oreal exfoliating scrub, I make it a point to still exfoliate my scalp with a handy in-shower scalp massager. This massager pictured below was a gift from my lovely sister, but, if you want to purchase your own massage tool, I found this inexpensive one on amazon as well as this high-quality one that I believe will work just the same!

These scalp massagers are usually used with your shampoo to break apart product buildup and get the cleanest scalp possible while cleansing. It’s important that you not only rid of buildup and dirt but stimulate your scalp every now and again to promote hair growth and unclogged pores.

Not only is an in-shower massage tool a must, but gentle brushes also help me keep my hair flake free in-between washes. This Black Label pure boar and nylon brush is an alternative version of the widely-known Denman Brush, with two different types of bristles that help curl up your curls and detangle knots. I noticed over time how gentle this brush is, compared to others, when it comes to brushing close to my scalp. 

Long story short, pay attention to your brushes!

Scalp and Hair Brushes


All-in-all, there are many reasons why flakes are more prominent during the fall/wintertime—which is nothing to be discouraged about. A dry scalp can be cured easily with the right products, drinking lots of water and taking the time to exfoliate. 

You know your skin best, and it’s important to pay attention to everything and how certain products affect you. If you're using a conditioner that leaves your hair dry the day after, it’s time to retire that conditioner until summer rolls around. More often than not, simple mistakes can be avoided by testing products before using for an extended period of time!

I hope you enjoyed this post and feel a bit better about tackling an itchy scalp. The products mentioned above are ones that I use and thoroughly enjoy. Let me know in the comments if you know of any others that could be of use!

Make sure to Pin this post on Pinterest to share the love and subscribe to My YouTube Channel for hair and wellness videos.

Cheers to staying flake FREE,

- Miss Lynn 

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