What to do When You Feel Inadequate

Feeling inadequate is NOT a curse, nor is it a reflection of your work ethic, self-worth or ambition.

Now, repeat that in your head three times over regardless of how you’re feeling in your current season. Do you believe it? If you don’t, why is that?

I truly believe that some of the most ambitious women are the ones that are hardest on themselves and their abilities. For some reason, there’s a voice in our ear that tells us that we could be doing more, being more like “them,” and having our lives figured out like we assume we should.

The lies we tell ourselves are the excuses we use against us when its time to reach for what we either want or deserve. How is it fair to smack our own hand away when we are ready to accept something that belongs to us?

Let me encourage and tell you, first hand, that you are not ‘missing’ something or not measuring up to the person you aspire to be. Living in a state of inadequacy is, to me, a clear sign that you are about to break a wall that was once stopping you from stepping into 'the light.'

If you know you work hard, do what you need to do and strive to be your best—but still feel like you're not where you're meant to be, keep reading to see how I deal with this same predicament.

Make sure to comment if you can identify with this post and share the love by pinning on Pinterest or sharing on social media. Let's start changing hearts and helping our sisters Live Intentionally.

What to do When You Feel Inadequate

I’ll admit, this last semester in college had me experiencing the ultimate roller coaster. I was gaining traction on this blog, my YouTube Channel, and getting better grades than the last semester. I felt as though I was close to my breakthrough, finally touching the hem of what a full-time successful blogger and student’s lifestyle would look like.

Suddenly, as always when we are about to experience a breakthrough, I started to slow down because of inadequacy. I wondered if I would be strong enough, energetic and ‘bubbly’ enough to handle having an audience of any size.

We NEED to stop doing this to ourselves—reaching a point in our lives when we have the opportunity to change our lives dramatically, and then silently creeping back into the shadows after getting a taste of what responsibilities would come with an ‘upgrade.’

A life ‘upgrade’ may come with responsibilities, but, #GIRLBOSS, you’ve been preparing for this moment. Own it. Share on X

Here’s what I suggest you do if you, too, are feeling inadequate…

  1. Jot down what you’re accomplishments are or have been. As a blogger and small YouTuber, I’ve had to remind myself that taking a year to reach 1K subscribers doesn't mean that I failed. It means that I reached 1K and can only grow from here! (If you're in this same position, celebrate your successes…Not growing as fast as others is STILL growth).
  2. Practice self-love. (Let me say it again for the people in the back…) PRACTICE SELF-LOVE. Feeling inadequate could be a sign that you aren’t giving yourself the tender loving care that you deserve.
  3. Identify what you compare most about yourself. Often times, something we need to change about ourselves is what makes us feel inadequate, knowing that we aren't where or doing what we envisioned for ourselves. Try jotting down what you’re most insecure about and decide if it’s something worth working on or something to pray over.
  4. Ask a close friend what he or she feels about what you're doing. This sounds a bit risky but has become one of the main reasons why my self-worth is slowly restoring itself. My friends are incredible, constantly reminding me that what I’m doing is admirable and inspiring which, in return, encourages me to continue working hard. So, although it may sound like you're asking for compliments, simply as your friends if they think what you're doing is worth it. Your truest friends will see your work ethic and gently remind you of how it looks from the outside looking in. 
  5. Building on the last point, find encouragement in anything and everything. Whether it’s reading encouraging scripture, finding a devotional, reading motivating quotes on Pinterest or speaking aloud positive affirmations…You need to find ways to re-spark the fire that might have been blown out.


You may be feeling inadequate, my friend, but you're not defined by those feelings nor are you weak because of them. We all have our moments when we question whether or not our next steps are the right steps, or if we can handle what a new chapter entails for our life. 

What is meant for you is meant for you. Don’t let inadequacy stop you from a deserved breakthrough. Share on X

I hope you found some encouragement within this post and are able to tackle your current life season with vigor and confidence. You are both deserving and able.

Check out my Inspiration for more posts like this along with others listed below for some encouragement and motivation to push on.

Live Intentionally, my friends, 

-Miss Lynn


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