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College Organization: Practical Tips + Tricks

Staying organized in college is no easy task. You already have four to six classes on your plate, the basic desire to eat, drink, and sleep along with the ghost of a social life haunting you from time to time.

Although a planner is handy, and our phones reminder app may seem like a life saver, getting and staying organized can be made into a breathing system that leaves you free from stress and ready to tackle each day.

This post may be short, but nonetheless helpful for all of my fellow students looking to spice up their ‘planning’ life. Make sure to check out my College Page for more in-depth posts and recommendations to kick off the new year right!

Practical College Organization Tips + Tricks

1. Get Productive

First things first, I would highly recommend you keep a planner handy at all times throughout the day. Whether you’re going to the coffee shop in-between classes, or heading to the library with friends on your off day, being able to physically write down an assignment or task you randomly think of is crucial.

In times when you’re not able to lug around a medium/large-sized notebook, take advantage of a handy planner app! I personally use the standard ‘Reminders’ app for iPhones to create lists that I can check multiple times a day. Below is an image of my current situation with a list of daily tasks (a list that I check at least 20 times per day), blog post ideas, grocery list, things to buy, and school.

Reminders App on iPhone

Each list acts as a brain dump, especially my blog post ideas list, with different notes and minor tasks that I need to complete or purchase on a daily/weekly basis. 

Related Post: Inexpensive and Healthy College Meals + Snacks

Next up, Trello. I couldn't speak any more lovingly of Trello if I tried! This online resource has easily become my calendar/task/productivity tool of choice with plenty of impressive features that can get anyone organized.

Trello is widely known to be an incredible tool for groups of people working on a certain project. So, consider this the ultimate hub that incorporates the power of google docs with the handiness of GroupMe. (If you haven't used either of those two resources I just mentioned, what are you doing with your life?)

I like to create cards within Trello that house different themes. One for blog post ideas and ‘to-do’ items that need to be posted, with another card for website ideas and YouTube video inspiration.

Trello online Application

Check out Trello for yourself in case you want to become the most organized human being on campus. No pressure.

Related Post: Preparing for a New Semester in College


2. Get Your Paperwork in Order

So what about that ugly drawer nobody ever sees or talks about? Have you opened it recently?

I used to be the student that would organize every piece of paper from that week like a saint. What did I do when that week was up? Stuff every quiz sheet and homework assignment into "The Drawer."

If this is you, or you feel as though your paperwork isn't in order, consider becoming ‘that’ person (or your parents) and getting an accordion file folder for ‘The Drawer.’

Not only can an accordion organizer save you from the fear of needing and not being able to find an important document, but it rids the need of binders or extra dividers that can soon become a hassle.

If you’re not one to sport a folder like this or keep up with it, I suggest scanning certain papers and uploading them onto an external hard drive that’s easily accessible.

I made it a point to purchase an extra hard drive specifically for school. This way, I knew every important document I may need from the past (like my application or financial stuff) would always be found if I needed it!


3. Get Your Day Planned to Perfection

So, your tasks are in order and your paperwork may (or may not) be organized enough to tolerate. Now there’s just one thing left to worry about as a student, and that’s your day.

Claps to you if you’ve always been able to arrive to class on time and meet friends at the exact hour you scheduled the night before, like a boss.

It can feel extremely empowering to have your stuff together but, sadly, in college things can change within seconds when unplanned responsibilities arise.

I have two recommendations when these unplanned moments hit you:

— Write down everything that could happen, to the hour, in your planner on a busy day. Writing down tentative meetings, study sessions, and possible coffee dates will keep your mind from wandering off and taking your third nap of the day. (Is that just me?)

— Always transfer unfinished responsibilities to the beginning of the next day. If you really needed to tackle an online test or had to pick up mail from the post office, make sure to complete those tasks early so you can feel accomplished and productive!

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful in whatever way! Getting organized can definitely feel like a hassle although it never has to be.

Take my advice and refrain from being too hard on yourself when things get out of order. Take each day and attack what you can, when you can, leaving what wasn't completed for another time.

Enjoy college, my friends. These years are what you make them. (Follow my senior year on Twitter and Instagram @themakaylalynn if you're interested! Cheers to two more semesters!) 

Live Intentionally, my friends, 

-Miss Lynn


Practical College Organization Tips + Tricks

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