Why It’s Healthy to Feel Unaccomplished Before the New Year

I’ve currently been away from my blog for weeks. No, not one week or a few days. Weeks.

I said what I said. WEEKS.

Although I needed this break, just as others need their own hiatus from time to time, there’s something about being away from things and hobbies you love. There’s almost a sense of remorse for the lost time, and fear that you’re suddenly ‘unaccomplished’ because of your absence.

Hopefully, this post can convince you that fear and fact are two completely separate things when speaking about accomplishment, and my experiences can help ignite the fire you need to burn through 2018.

Why It’s Healthy to Feel Unaccomplished Before the New Year

When you believe that you’re unaccomplished, it’s usually out of fear rather than fact. We accomplish things every day if not every hour. Everyone has their own obstacle to hurdle over each day, whether it’s financial or emotional and so on, that allows us the opportunity to feel successful.

This being said, we never feel unaccomplished because we are actually unaccomplished in life, we feel this way because of our fear of not becoming who we see ourselves to be.

Plot Twist: You are already accomplished. You may not feel as though you are because of fear, not fact. Share on X

Let me share some insight on how this website began, a humble beginning boasting loud headache-inducing colors and four thousand word posts written in the middle of the night.


During these days, I was hopeful for the future and boasting, nonstop, about my new venture. I was a new blogger filled with ideas and dreams for my small slice of truth on the world wide web.

Nothing could touch that excitement until I started realizing that thousands of other bloggers were creating content and talking to their audience for a living. Soon after I found this out, I was on the path towards mental roadblock after mental roadblock.

I revamped my website twice in a few short months, started writing more business-related posts, and deleted long-winded ‘honest hours’ from my site because of how ‘unprofessional’ they seemed (to me).

This journey led me to where I was six months ago. Confused, annoyed, and feeling extremely unaccomplished. Present day, I’ve come to realize that my fear started to grow when my goals got bigger.

When my goals got bigger, dreams became a bit more ‘far-fetched,’ and my excitement to write turned into a burning desire to create, my fears immediately started feeling like fact.

I had grown to over 1,000 subscribers on YouTube and finally surpassed the 10K view milestone on my blog. Still felt unaccomplished.
I was receiving messages, DM’s, and emails thanking me for certain posts. Still felt unaccomplished.
I was doing well in school and remaining considerably sane. Still felt unaccomplished.

Every moment I felt unaccomplished, it was because of sheer fear and never fact. This, in my eyes, is why feeling a healthy amount of fear is necessary for the new year.

When I decided that I might not be where I needed to, I knew it was time to re-brand and establish some new goals for myself. I wanted more and worked towards more, rather than sitting on my original amount of excitement for my blog and ‘calling it a day.’

I worked, worried, and worked some more. Unbeknownst to me during these months, my fear was necessary and healthy to land me where I am today.

Present day, I have more blog-related / business connections than ever before, new goals, an entirely NEW brand (Blogging Bosses, coming SOON), and the willingness to accept fear for what it is. A catalyst for change.

Once you start using fear as a catalyst for change, you'll never be too afraid to venture into the unknown. Share on X

Take the fear of being unaccomplished and turn that into something that will make you scared, yet again.

Thank the fear, embrace the fear, and welcome in this new year with trembling hands and bright eyes. Keep that hope and give yourself the credit you deserve. You ARE accomplished. Now, accomplish some more.

Be blessed, my friends, 

-Miss Lynn


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