An Open Letter to the Girls That Aren’t ‘Good’ Enough

An Open Letter to the Girls That Aren't 'Good' Enough

Dear girls who aren’t ‘good enough,’

Forget the accomplishments, milestones, and difficult nights that are tattooed on your thick skin—go ahead and ask yourself if you’re ‘good’ enough one more time.

It’s not like you’ve crossed boundaries set in place by society to keep you miles behind. It’s probably reaching to claim that you’ve seen things no human being should ever have to see, heard things a brain shouldn’t have to process, and felt things a heart shouldn’t have to bear. The fact that you’re still kicking, regardless, doesn’t overpower the fact that you have every right to question your strength, resilience, and sheer POWER.

There’s a sense of truth behind the question, after all. Forget the fact that you’re questioning everything and everyone that has brought you to this very moment. Forget the fact that time had to develop second by second in its confusing order to land you with the experiences, friends, losses, and lessons you now hold. The steps you’ve taken thus far could never land you far enough in life where this one idiotic question doesn’t hold value.

See, girls who aren’t ‘good’ enough, you all don’t need to consider the sacrifices that your own hands remember with each line on your palm. The bricks that women and men before you carried on top of their own to make sure you could ‘BE’ in the first place. It was their choice to spend years syncing their breath with your own so you could have enough oxygen to thrive, right? No need to consider how they would feel to hear you question the result of their efforts.

There’s no need to sit in your silence and listen or look around to find something to be grateful for. Whatever is sitting beside you and whoever is nearby enough to hear you scream shouldn’t be considered at all because, remember, you’re not ‘good’ enough to be this blessed.

I’m not sure what you’ve been through, girls who aren’t ‘good’ enough, but I’m sure nothing about this life can make you reconsider what and who you’re using as the definition of ‘good,' let alone the fact that you've established what is and isn't 'enough.'

All jokes, sarcasm, and metaphors aside…Why do we EVER think it’s okay to question time, our strength, and the mysteries of life enough to wonder if it’s ‘good’ enough? If WE, ourselves, are ‘good’ enough?

Doubt will come, here and there, but it’s OUR responsibility to start redefining what it means to be successful, fulfilled, and worthy. We are all things because we ARE, and there’s nothing bad enough that can steal US away from ourselves.

You, being who you are enough to read this post, should never second guess what has happened to make you who you are today. Good and bad, it all needed to happen.

Ever question whether or not you’re ‘good’ enough? Read this open letter made specifically for YOU. Share on X

Share this letter with a friend to spread the encouragement and, hopefully, open a few eyes. We all need to tackle this crazy question together before the next generation of young women grow up believing it’s worth asking.

Remain mindful, my friends, and
Live Intentionally,

- Miss Lynn

An Open Letter to the Girls That Aren't 'Good' Enough

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