Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

After three official years on my little corner of the internet (as of November 4th), it would be wrong of me not to mention those that have influenced my journey thus far.

From the inspiring, and original, blogging bosses to up-and-coming content creators—this list is a clear example of how diverse and undeniably intelligent this community really is.

If you are a novice blogger, new blogger, or aspiring creator, I encourage you to break down why you admire the people you look up to in order to self-reflect.

Not only is it great to admire people for who they are, and learn from their habits or traits, but it’s another way to motivate yourself for the future.

Cheers to TheMakaylaLynn, and cheers to you for rocking with me since 2015. I’m grateful for what my content has brought to many of you over the last 36 months. Let’s see some blogging bosses now, shall we?

Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

Jade Kendle

First up, and one of the main reasons why I created this blog, is Jade Kendle a.k.a LipstickNCurls. Jade was one of the first YouTuber’s I began to follow faithfully, alongside the "YouTube Sisterhood" ladies, for her hair videos and transparent “chit chats.”

Her ability to capture my attention with her "chit chats," teach me hair tricks in four minutes, and help me accept my individuality with a simple vlog is the source behind the courage it took to start my own "thing."

She was the reason behind my first free WordPress site and, inevitably, the reason behind the beautiful site you’re visiting today.

Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

Regina Anaejionu

One random day, I found myself caught in the middle of a “new blogger crisis” that tends to hit us all at one point within our first couple of months.

What can I do if not what I’m already doing?

I was asking myself this annoyingly complex question relentlessly until I finally stumbled upon Regina’s blog through Pinterest. She, my friends, is who I consider my "first-year" blogging professor.

This woman taught me everything I needed to know in order to start creating original content that actually helped people while keeping growth, sustainability, and future monetization options in mind.

If it wasn’t for Regina, I don’t think this version of TheMakaylaLynn would exist.


Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

Melyssa Griffin

While on the topic of inspirational blogging bosses, Melyssa will continue to land herself in my "top three" no matter where I am in life. She’s the kind of woman I’ll remember to thank 10 years from now, blogging or not.

Although Melyssa is considered a “Pinterest mastermind” for many, I’ve always seen her as the gentle giant behind my growth as a blogger.

I never knew, after being inspired by Regina to self-host my own website, how to grow with content that wasn’t being found online.

Not only was she a branded resource I could google whenever needed, but the role she played in my desire to study marketing in college (as a minor) is the definition of influence.

Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

Maya Elious

Another incredible mastermind, and someone I consider one of my go-to “blogging bosses," is Maya Elious. Not only is Maya my twerking Instagram-savvy dream business coach, but the knowledge she possesses is unbelievable and so, extremely, helpful. 

Her entire story, starting from her MySpace days as graphic designer, aligns with my own in minor ways that helped me cope with my own journey.

Although I’m nowhere near as productive and creative as Maya, she has helped me touch base with my many strengths that helped me create some of the most popular pieces of content on my site.

Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

Elle & Co

Elle is that online bestie that you don’t keep up with often but are left forever changed each time you reconnect.

This woman and truly kind-hearted soul is my "design professor" and influence behind the branding I’ve slowly tweaked over the years. From my free WordPress days to now, I’m so grateful that I found her content and podcast early on.

I’ll admit, I’m pretty proud of how my site looks now and realize that this is the longest I’ve kept it the same since I self-hosted back in January of 2016. Even if it took me two years to find my unique “touch,” I’m thankful that I’ve finally arrived where I feel my best, visually.

Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

Marie Forleo

We all have our moments in life when we run towards the nearest life coach/guru for personal, business, or spiritual help.

Yes, there are many (yet few) “guru’s” out there to admire but one, that I’ve clung to over the last year, is the hilarious Marie Forleo. Similar to Tony Robbins, her ability to capture your attention with her “down home” wisdom is soothing.

Not only that, but her experiences match mine in ways that reaffirm my theory that we are all connected by one tiny little thread.

She is my hood, yet classy, "Jersey" business guru that I hope to work with one day. Mark my words.

Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey


Samantha is one of the two college bloggers that you can thank for my college-related posts. Before I started writing posts dedicated to other students, I was a student of her site that appreciated how diverse her content ran.

From studying tips to travel hacks, I was hooked on her site until I realized, one day, that I had experiences I believed could help other young women on campuses around the globe.

Nearing the end of my Sophomore year, right before I moved to Dallas (YEEHAW), I began the transition into a full-blown “college blogger." I'll admit, it has been a wild ride ever since.

Jessica Slaughter

Jessica, alongside Samantha, is the other influence behind my transition into the “college blogger” community.

I’ll say this once (and then a million times more in future posts), "all you really need to find your true niche is a good vibe."

For example, some people visit mommy blogs and realize, as they’re pregnant with their child, that their calling is to help out other moms.

Others like me, pregnant with Puerto Rican food, come across bloggers like Jessica and feel oddly satisfied. Whether it’s Jessica’s aesthetic, content, or calm demeanor—her vibe was all I needed to spark the ideas I needed to expand my site.

Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

Grit & Virture

Man, oh man. I saved the best for last considering the significant role my faith has played in this three-year-long journey. Grit & Virtue has truly been my grit, and virtue.

This site has not only connected me with the Bible, but Charlena’s (the co-mastermind behind G&V) emails have lifted my spirits each week for months on end.

If you are in need of a community of women (and men) who adore Jesus, and some weekly motivation to remain content in your current season, check out this website + accompanying social platforms. This site is my diamond in the rough.

Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

honorable mentions

It’s only right to mention a few bloggers and influencers that I admire, presently. Although they are new friends, finds, and resources—I appreciate their content in ways that, I’m sure, will inspire the next year of content on TheMakaylaLynn in some major or minor way.

Alicia + Sydney of

Amara of
Jordan of
Jaleesa of
Tynette of
Shondra of

That's all for now, my friends! Writing this post was so satisfying, and something I want to do every few months to spread the love I've received from these lovely ladies. 

If you are inspired by anyone in particular, let them know! It's time we grow closer as a community of creatives to spread the incredible messages we all have as far as possible. 

If you enjoyed this post, share it with others to spread the love. Pin this post on Pinterest, and connect with me on social media @themakaylalynn

I love each and every one of you blogging bosses. 

As always, Live (and create) Intentionally


Bloggers That Have Influenced my Blogging Journey

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