Tips & Tricks to Help Grow Your Natural Hair

Natural Hair Growth Tips, Tricks, and Products

March 11th, 2016 changed my life for the better, forever. The day I ‘Big Chopped’ was both an emotional roller coaster and spiritually freeing experience.

Natural hair—in every form, shape, and size—is beautiful Share on X

It is important that we nurture our curls and kinks, for good reason, to ensure that we are encouraging healthy growth and protection.

Personally, I’ve been worrying slightly overgrowth since I finally started experiencing length, even after shrinkage. There are plenty of tips I’ve researched, but also many whispered secrets from naturals with curls flowing down their backs.

I am more than happy to share what I’ve found to be helpful and hope you can either share this post or pass the good news onto those who are also interested in getting their curls on FLEEK. (Definitely making Fleek the word of the day.)

Below are some more common tips that, if you haven't already heard, are the ‘MUST-DO’s’ when it comes to growing out your locks.

  1. Sleep on a Silk Pillowcase or protect your curls with a Satin Bonnet when you go to sleep. Cotton pillowcases have the ability to pull out your hair when you twist and turn at night. Silk fabrics pose no threat to your hair and keep your frizz tame until the next morning.
  2. Dry your hair with a Microfiber Towel or old t-shirt once you get out of the shower. Towels don't dry your hair as quickly and have the potential to cause frizz and strip your hair of its moisture after conditioning.
  3. Make sure to get regular trims to ensure that whatever split ends you may have don't threaten to creep up to the healthy sections of your hair. On the flip side make sure to not overdue your trims, which is a problem many newly-naturals go through. Stay on a seemingly normal schedule to encourage maximum hair growth and overall health!
  4. Lastly, but certainly not least—make sure the rinse with COLD water after you're finished washing. Cool water seals your hair cuticle, aiding in the overall strength, while also creating some much-needed shine! Warm water only keeps those cuticles open, or opens them up, which is the better option for when you are WASHING your hair—allowing your locks to absorb the product. When you're done, again, make sure to tough it out under one last cold rinse.

Now, here are some extra tips that I’ve heard or read throughout my year long transitioning journey, and post big chop research. If you haven't heard of these before, make sure to save this post on a Pinterest Board or share with others to spread the love!

  1. ‘Pre-poo’ your hair with Coconut Oil before you get in the shower. I hadn't heard this term ‘pre-poo’ before I big chopped, but apparently, this step is vital when it comes to experiencing growth. Using coconut oil before a shower reduces the loss of moisture and aids in detangling before conditioning.
  2. Try not to (depending on your activity level) shampoo your hair more than twice a week when you're natural. This may not be ideal to many, but trust me when I say that your hair will thank you. Co-washing to fill in the gaps between your shampoo-sessions will help lock in the moisture and natural oils that your hair needs to stay healthy and strong.
  3. Try not to use too many different brands when you're doing any hairstyle or refreshing session. There’s no point in including five different products if you make sure to have a few high-quality products in your possession. If you're out of the shower, use one moisturizer and one oil. Maybe even another styling product if needed. To refresh your curls, use some infused water to liven up your curls (post coming soon), and one more hair cream to help your curls bounce back the next day. Just remember, too much product can weigh the hair down and cause buildup! My favorite product to use out of the shower is the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie to make those curls pop or the Raw Shea Butter Detangler for extra moisture and help to separate those kinks!
  4. Give yourself a scalp massage when you're conditioning in the shower. I wouldn't recommend using your nails, but some light and circular motions on your scalp under warm water can get your blood circulating—aiding in hair growth and product/moisture retention.
  5. Seal your ends with Argan Oil or Castor Oil to help the oldest parts of your hair stay healthy and strong. Yes, our roots are one to cherish and protect, but don't forget about those ends! Your ends are what give the appearance of length, and if they’re breaking off and brittle, nurse them back and trim them if it is needed.

I hope these tips were helpful for those who are currently on a hair growth journey! Let me know in the comments if you have any more recommendations, and subscribe below to stay in touch and receive weekly motivation!

Good luck on your journey,

- Miss Lynn 

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