5 Things Every Content Creator Should Know

I wholeheartedly believe that every content creator is connected by the tasks we are willing/forced to do, and the skills we obtain along the journey.

Although this post is to the point, there are plenty of hidden gems that you'll find throughout! If you happen to have any more helpful tips, drop them below in the comment section to share the love.

Let's start collecting those gems, shall we..? 

5 Things Every Content Creator Should Know

Track Every Creative Thought

If you create any kind of content online, offline, visual, video, or physical, then you DEFINITELY need to be able to track every creative thought that pops up.

I personally have multiple ways that I record my ideas and blog post or video topics (listed below) and make sure to record them as soon as they come to mind.

— I jot down major project ideas in Trello, an incredible online resource for both groups and content creators. I can create boards, lists, add notes, and customize an editorial calendar to stay on track. (The image below, although fuzzy, should give you an idea of how detailed Trello can be!) 

Trello App Example - Editorial Board

— I save quick ideas to a separate list in the 'Reminders' app on my iPhone. This list is named, as you can guess, ‘blog post/video ideas’ and is easily accessed at all times.
— I plug in specific ideas and outlines, if I have the time, in a Google Doc that houses all of my brain dump notes. (This doc is literally called ‘brain dump.’ Catchy right?)


Generate Creative Ideas

To me, there’s a clear difference between ingeniously coming up with a random idea and the art of generating one on a whim or for a specific project.

When the time comes, working with brands or simply creating targeted content for your audience is both an exciting and stressful experience. For one, you need to find a way to please your audience AND the brand/company, without losing sight of your brand and your brand's mission.

Like I said, generating ideas is an art form that takes patience and, surprisingly, practice. I’ll be coming out with a blog post about how I create multiple types of content from ONE quick idea and, trust me, it’s going to be jam-packed full of gems.


Say NO.

When creating content, there are multiple times in a day when you need to say NO.

— Say NO to overworking yourself until you only have a couple hours to sleep. (Lack of self-care and mental instabilities are top-tier issues within the online world. Be careful!)

Side note: I understand working until midnight or slightly over is often times what needs to be done in the beginning/building stages. I’m referencing those, including myself back in the day, that stay up until 3am knowing they have responsibilities starting at 8am. This, right here, is excessive. 

— Say NO to people that want to use you for their personal gain without any promise of reciprocity.
— Say NO to brands who don’t want to pay you your actual worth. (No, sweetheart, when you have a substantial following or readership, $20 for a blog post is NOT okay).
— Say NO to that voice in your head that tells you to waste time worrying about others. Turn off your phone, close out social media, and focus on YOU and YOURS.

It's okay to say NO to people, things, and situations that do not sit well with your spirit. Share on X


Communicate With Your Audience

Communication is key in all aspects of life. When it comes to creating content, your audience should be your end goal. Making THEM happy, keeping THEM informed, and serving THEM is the name of your game.

Because this is the case, making sure to effectively reach them on an almost daily basis (ouch, I know) is extremely important.

Trust me, I’m aware of my own hypocrisy as I sit here, legs crossed and piping hot tea in hand, NOT posting on social media or my blog for weeks. Just take my advice and do better, okay?


Utilize the Right Resources

As you may know, or will soon know if you’re just starting out, creating anything on or offline is a taxing job. Some people may not understand the hustle but, as a blogger, putting out one hefty blog post could take half a day (if not more) to write, edit, and publish.

Quick Tip: Never complete major tasks in one day. You can create the majority of your content in a day, but your creativity should always be spread across at least two different moments. A refreshed mind will add to your content in ways a tired mind can’t.

Don’t rush things. A refreshed mind will add to your content in ways a tired mind can’t. Share on X

So, instead of making your life harder by doing everything from scratch or the ‘long way,’ find 5-10 online resources that make your life easier.

I’ll go ahead and list my FAVORITE blog post/video editing resources so you can get a sense of my content-creating routine.

Side note: Also check out my separate Resources Page for an even longer list of blogging, college, and online tools.

1. Canva (for images/in-post content)
2. Grammarly (spell checker from heaven)
3. Trello (to jot down notes before publishing/sharing)
4. bit.ly (link shortener for social media)
5. BoardBooster (the BEST tool to schedule posts on Pinterest)
6. MailerLite (to send out my email Newsletter)
7. Google Drive (to save/backup files)
8. YouTube Creator Studio (to edit videos/gain insight on my viewers)
9. linktr.ee (to add new links to my Instagram)
10. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign (for major design-heavy projects)

That, my friends, are just a few things I’m positive you should know or learn ASAP. Creating content is no easy task and the journey to a stable routine is even more difficult. It may take awhile to find your groove or learn the necessary lessons but, if not already, that time will come.

Make sure to subscribe to the Intentional Newsletter for more helpful tips and random motivational rants from yours truly. Subscribe here or email me at themakaylalynn@outlook.com to ask a question or request future content. 

Happy Thanksgiving and Live Intentionally, my friends. 

-Miss Lynn

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