How To Avoid Blogger Envy

Allowing yourself to experience ‘Blogger Envy’ is, by far, the easiest way to lose the ambition that it takes to power on as a creative.

There will always be moments in our journey when we see someone else surpass milestones with what LOOKS like the snap of a finger, and, in those moments, jealousy will surely cloud our senses. Sure enough, our productivity is low, the drive to achieve is almost nonexistent, and our creative juices stop flowing altogether.

It’s not only imperative that we stay as far away as possible from the WORD envy, let alone the emotions that come with it, but we need to be more intentional with how we see OUR brands and endeavors.

Why is it okay to disrespect ourselves by wishing we were anywhere else BUT where we actually are? You are living, breathing and working in your current season for a reason. If it was meant for you to blow up overnight then you would be much further, but you're not there yet and THAT IS OKAY.

This will be a short post, but nonetheless helpful to those that feel as though there’s ALWAYS something they want to improve, based off of what they see on other blogs. You may see someone's social media feed and wonder how you can make yours like theirs, or notice someone re-brand their blog and wish that you had the resources to do the same…

If you find yourself suffering from blogger envy, boy, oh boy, do we need to have a talk.

How to Avoid Blogger Envy

Quick story, because Lord knows I’ve had plenty of ‘blogger envy’ experiences over my first year of building my brand.

As a new (serious) blogger, around April of 2016, I was constantly searching for inspiration on Pinterest from other blogs and bloggers that were both established and successful. I would look at what they had in their sidebar, header, footer, blog page and so on…

Let's just say that I spent 90% of the time I had, to create content, watching other bloggers and trying to memorize every little piece of advice that I could.

It was exhausting trying to 'keep up with the Joneses' and find ways to match my site to those that I admired, continuously changing my content based off of what I SAW. There was a good month, after basking in the sunlight of my envious heart, where I disappeared and didn’t attempt to touch my computer, let alone work on my website.

I wasn't uploading, thinking, planning or even RESTING for the sake of my online brand. I stopped dead in my tracks and let something I thought I loved waste away until, at the end of the month when I snapped myself back into a positive mindset, I logged back in to see that I had only five page views each day for a week straight.

Now, what’s wrong with that picture? I went from nearly 200 page views each day to FIVE. That was both devastating and embarrassing, knowing how much I shamelessly promoted my brand to my social platforms only to desert it months later due to jealousy and self-pity.

Needless to say, I dug myself a hole and fell into it—completely abandoning my responsibilities JUST because I wasn't where other people were.


If you find yourself spending more time on other blogs than on your own, I urge you to reconsider why that’s happening and think about where that could LEAD to.

Who knows, you might be genuinely inspired and motivated to create valuable content on your blog, or you may be like me—abandoning your blog because of how overwhelming running after other people's dreams became.

It’s time to get on track and be more intentional with our brands, businesses or blogs. Respect what you're doing enough to be its biggest fan.

Respect your brand/business enough to be its biggest fan. Share on X

Stop looking in every direction in the hopes that it will lead you to where you need to be. Look directly at what’s in front of you, what you’re working with and what resources you have to achieve YOUR dreams.

Don't get me wrong, supporting other bloggers and spending a considerable amount of time learning from their personal journey is a smart thing to do, most days. If the desire to LEARN from them is more significant than the desire to BE like them, then you're on the right track. If it's the other way around, it's time to take a step back and reevaluate. 

What I ended up doing was limiting my time on Pinterest, other than on my regular social media scheduling days. I read blog posts, but only ones from bloggers I trusted to inform me of something I DIDN'T already know.

The biggest time-killing mistake one can make is read post after post about topics they're already familiar with. Read what will help you on your journey, interact with your peers that share similar struggles and niches, and actively work on YOUR side of the fence if there's something you don't like.

If it's a theme issue, change it. If it's your niche, narrow it down. If it's your content, take more time to create content that you're proud of.

Blogger envy is the enemy that's stealing creatives away from their purpose. I urge you to refocus, take a business hiatus or do whatever it takes to light the match that 'burned out.'

If you spent enough time on your dreams, I can't find any reason on earth why it wouldn't work in your favor.

Make sure to Pin this post on Pinterest and share it to spread the love. I am about to re-launch my second website, Blogging Bosses, so be sure to Subscribe to that channel and signup for The Intentional Newsletter to know immediately when my second website, for aspiring creative entrepreneurs, launches! 

Be the #Boss you've always wanted to be,

-Miss Lynn


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  1. This post is so refreshing & inspiring. I think at one point or another every blogger deals with blogger envy, and it really can be so difficult to get over. Loved this, thank you for sharing! XOXO