Jumping Off The Plateau: My Pledge to do Everything I May or May Not Regret

Although this post is written in a “note to self” format, I pray it can minister to you in some way—major or minor. I encourage you to share this post with your friends or let me know if you could relate to the comment section below. xoxo, Lynn.

I think it’s about time I jump off of this plateau. My current position may feel warm and cozy, but the stress of what is NOT happening isn’t worth the warmth.

I mean honestly…What is this fear of jumping off of a rock that I no longer want to stand on?

I don’t want warmth if that means I’m stuck in it forever—too used to the sensation of safety to take chances when it matters most.

Maybe it’s time I do “everything,” with and without regrets. Maybe I’m the furthest thing from ready—making me the most qualified candidate to do “it all.”

Why wait until everything is aligned when your future self, even if only 24 hours ahead, could be affected by either direction? One bad choice sets you back just as much as one good choice catapults you forward, right?

If this is correct, why shouldn’t I force my thoughts into relentless healing?
I could be one affirmation away from the action just as much as one self-insult away from acceptance.

Now more than ever:

It’s my time to start that project and then finish soon after.
It’s my chance to develop the one habit I’m afraid will make my life insurmountably better.
It’s my moment to heed every invalid warning my anxiety creates—only to do “it” anyway.

I want this new year to be one of my best. Even if not “the best,” I owe it to myself to cause a riot within the darkest corners.

Let’s be real…I’m sure many of those that I admire have enjoyed the beautifully deceiving views from their own plateau. Neighboring the next “great mind,” they’ve probably enjoyed a few palm trees and lush landscapes from above.

Funny enough, none of them probably cared about palm trees when they stood on top of something they built—witnessing “joy” and “satisfaction” physically manifest before their eyes.

The bottom line, I need to leave or be forced to leave. I no longer wish to watch colorful sunsets if I can’t define each shade.

Be it by a rockslide, tearing down everything and everyone in my path, or an uncomfortable month of unlearning and self-discovery—no matter when or how it needs to be done.

Most people don’t have the luxury of realizing where they’re stuck, even if they’re high above the rest. Many remain complacent and sturdy atop a mountain they never wanted to climb—but have no means of escaping.

I have this chance. I have these thoughts.
Now or one day. Tomorrow or next year. Yes or maybe.

For the sake of moving my limbs and stretching my mind, I pledge to do everything I may or may not regret

What do you pledge

Jumping Off of The Plateau: My Pledge to do Everything I May or May Not Regret

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