Rebranding my Blog + What it Means to ‘Live Intentionally’

I'm Back. 

Cue any hype Beyonce song ever made as I enter back into the blogging realm…

*Flips hair*

*Blows a kiss to the camera*

*…Trips as I try to sway my hips*

If this is your first time visiting my website, welcome! My name is Makayla Lynn, and I’m more determined than ever to help my fellow college student sisters and millennial women live intentionally while building brands of their own (#LikeABoss). 

Side Note: If you weren't already aware of it, my new Intentional Newsletter is jam-packed full of incredible resources and motivation to encourage those in need and, prayerfully, uplift you to live a more purposeful life, on purpose. Check it out here if you’re interested in signing up!

If you HAVE been here before, make way for the grand apology because it’s coming...

I am so SO sorry for leaving.

Have you ever had a moment where you’ve changed something small about yourself (or your life) so many times, you realize that you’ve been wasting time worried about the small stuff when it’s really the ‘big’ stuff that needs changing? That was me recently, as I neared another year doing something that I love but couldn't quite stick to consistently.

There was something separating me from being happy creating content and being ‘obsessed’ (in a non-obsessive way) with being a creative.

I realized, before leaving for a couple weeks, that I wasn't being intentional enough with my brand. I found that in the beginning, because I was writing posts that geared more towards self-help and discovery, I was at my peak of excitement.

I wasn’t just happy to be blogging to the 20 people that visited my page per day, but I was in love with the thought of touching ONE SOUL with my story and experiences.

I will admit, I got away from my original way of doing things and started searching for growth in numbers and support—as if numbers or support would make my content any better.

So, What’s Your Point?

I love self-reflection for a simple enough reason…It wakes you up when you’ve unknowingly been sleeping on yourself.

I decided that it was time to embrace a new brand, and brand statement/purpose, that would trace back to my roots and ACTUALLY offer the type of help I’ve always wanted to offer.

I love helping people figure out how to be #Bosses and entrepreneurs because that is a part of my own journey that I’ve grown to love more and more with time. But, at the end of the day, being a 'blogging boss' isn’t the only journey I find important.

My faith and spiritual journey, growing into a woman I am shamelessly proud of, and achieving success in college are just a few of the topics I want to spend MORE time with.

I will still be the same Makayla Lynn that pops up with natural hair tips amongst the many self-love posts that are on the way, but with a little more purpose along my path.

Intentionally live a more purposeful life, filled with purpose, on purpose. Share on X

Why do You Keep Saying, ‘Live Intentionally’?



About The Makayla Lynn - Intention Definition

To end this grand entrance back into my groove, I wanted to share more information on why I chose the tagline, ‘Live Intentionally,’ and how you can actually live this tagline out in real life.

To me, there are two kinds of people in this world. One that chooses to live life because they were born, and therefore need to put one foot in front of the other. Then there’s the other person who lives their life, intentionally searching for answers and opportunities simply because they CAN.

I want to be the second person who is always on the hunt for answers, whether I’m searching within my faith or searching throughout life’s many lessons. I never want to feel as though I am walking through each day out of obligation.

I hope you, too, can identify or WANT to live like the second person. We owe it to ourselves to attempt, try, continue, endure, and move forward. We deserve a chance and, even more than deserving a chance, we deserve results.

Simply put, living intentionally isn’t just a gift but rather a choice that produces a gift.

Living intentionally isn’t a gift, it’s a choice that produces a gift. Share on X

I pray you all will choose to join me on my journey of living a more intentional and purposeful life! Make sure to sign up for The Intentional Newsletter and follow me on social media, @themakaylalynn, to stay in touch!

Cheers to choices.

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  1. I really appreciate the new direction your blog has taken. Live intentionally is fabulous. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. I love your tag line! Since I have just relaunched my blog I understand what you are talking about. It’s exciting because there are so many possibilities for this new phase of blogging. You’ll be in my prayers!

    1. Thank you so much I appreciate the support! There truly are SO many possibilities, it’s an amazing thing to ‘start fresh’ ❤︎

      1. You’re very welcome. It’s true, the future does hold a ton of great possibilities. There are new people to meet, conversations to have, ideas to be expressed. I can’t wait! 😀

  3. I love this! I think it’s so hard to be honest with ourselves when it comes to realizing our true gifts and how awesome we actually are. Rebranding is always a good idea in my mind! I am following and signing up for the newsletter!

  4. I have been working on living intentionally. For the past few years, I’ve just been going where the wind blows. Not anymore, I have plans and goals that I must accomplish!

  5. I love your new look (I was unfamiliar with the old) it literally pops at you, the color scheme is on point and I love this post. For some reason I’ve been hearing the gospel song “Intentional” in my head for at least a day and then I stumble upon this post. This must be my word for the month. Awesome job sis!

    1. Thank you girl I appreciate that! Yes, ‘Intentional’ is the word of 2017 for me lol ❤︎

  6. Love the tag line. I definitely live intentionally because I am
    Well aware that tomorrow is not guaranteed, so live it, enjoy it, and appreciate it are my mottos..

    1. Amen to that! We really do have to live and enjoy our current season… It is SO important! Thanks for reading ❤︎

  7. I love this blog post! I made a decision to live more intentionally since graduating college in 2015 and my life has been fuller and more enjoyable because of it