10 Reliable Ways to Make Money as a New Blogger

10 Reliable Ways to Make Money Blogging as a New Blogger

There’s no denying how unnerving it can be for new bloggers, and even those who are experienced, to find ways to make money blogging while simultaneously getting a feel for their new venture. During my first month of blogging I wasn’t focused on what could come out of it and, in most cases, this is the way to think before jumping headfirst into a millionaire mindset.

By no means am I implying that being too ambitious is bad! Trust me when I say that a motivated mindset will land you further sooner than later—which is a lesson I learned four months into taking my blog seriously. Preferably, the desire to earn money should come after you accomplish goals of establishing and grounding yourself enough to stay consistent, inspired, and productive during the initial launch period.

Now, I’m sure you want to know about how you can start seeing your bank account number rise over the next couple days but I urge you, just as any blogger would, to remember that results aren’t ALWAYS instant. (You could very well experience success early on, so continue to reach for the stars!)

For me, it took a year of uploading videos onto YouTube to actually reach the $100 threshold in order to access my funds. This is definitely due to my lack of content being published on a regular basis, but also because earning money through JUST ads is a slow and sometimes unsteady race.


1. Google Adsense:

Earning money through ads is a good start when it comes to setting your blog up for monetization opportunities. With My YouTube Channel, I was automatically directed to sign up for Google Adsense in order to monetize my videos—which is also the website I go to for codes to place ads on this website. If you have a YouTube channel already, all you need to do is attach your website to the “My Sites” section in your settings and verify that website by adding a custom code to your header or footer scripts. If you are new to Google Adsense, or simply want to learn more, create an account and Google will guide you through the process with an introductory tour of the website, functions, and services!

Affiliate Networks

2. ShareASale: 

I can’t begin to explain how incredible this program is! If you have been blogging and gaining some traction on your site, I highly suggest you apply to join the ShareASale Affiliate Network. WHEN you are accepted (if not already) you have the opportunity to work with hundreds of different programs through this one platform—which, if you're like me with too many programs to keep up with, comes in handy. Consider it the HUB of affiliate brands, companies, and websites ranging from lifestyle, fashion, business, blogging, college resources, and so much more at your fingertips to work with and earn money from by providing links to their products or services within your posts. I am personally partnered with Tailwind through this network, Namecheap, Weebly and many others with full access to their lists of links and banners to add to my website and relevant posts.

I love this platform and highly suggest you take advantage of the plethora of opportunities that this site holds for your blog. Check it out here to start partnering with top-name companies and brands!

Affiliate Programs

3. Amazon Associates:

If you’ve already done your homework on this topic then I’m sure the Amazon Associates program has been brought up once or three hundred times before. This is undoubtedly a favorite program for bloggers to monetize their site and offer affiliate links to products that can be found on Amazon’s website. As an affiliate, if not already known, you would have the ability to link whatever product you can find, and essentially place in your post an image, text link, or an image with text for your readers to view if interested. 

What I love most about this program are the tiered earnings you receive when someone purchases something with your custom link. For example, if I included a link to a pair of socks and a reader purchased those socks AND a pair of tennis shoes through amazon, I earn a commission from every item purchased through my link. Again, Amazon has done an excellent job catering to each affiliate and, in my opinion, it is a sure-fire way to start seeing earnings as a new blogger / entrepreneur!

4. Ebates:

If you haven't already heard about Ebates, I'm honored to introduce you to this website and affiliate program. This site, in general, is the ultimate online hub for shoppers with an amazing cash-back service that allows you to earn MONEY just by shopping through their hundreds of big-name brands and stores. It’s so amazing, it hardly makes sense!

Their affiliate program is just as incredible and one that I’ve appreciated both using (from other bloggers) and providing to my audience. Go ahead and Sign up to create your own account and start inviting friends to join you on Ebates! 

5. Your Website Host (For example, Hostgator or Blue Host): 

If you’re unsure about what I mean when referring to a 'website host,' or if you currently have a free website, check out my Planning A Blog post for more information on how to create and customize your own self-hosted blog.

In that post, I explain why I love my current host, Hostgator, and how I was able to create this site for under $10/per month! With incredible starting prices beginning at $5 for one domain (website), I highly encourage you to look deeper into Hostgator and the many services they offer, if, of course, you aren't already self-hosting!

Usually, with most hosting companies I've come across, I find an affiliate program that allows bloggers to refer their readers to that host's website and services (just as I did with Hostgator, did you catch that?) I would highly recommend that you search high and low on your platform's main website for an affiliate program and, if you like what you're currently using, go ahead and use whatever link you're provided (if you found an actual program) to start earning commission from every referral you make.

Side Note: In the title, I mentioned Blue Host which is another hosting site with both inexpensive and beginner friendly plans for those that are interested in creating their own blogs for less than $5 during the holiday season (less than $10 any other time of the year)!

6. Your Theme’s Affiliate Program:

If you purchased your theme from a web designer's site, I would highly suggest looking for an affiliate program that would allow you to offer your readers links to themes you would recommend or have even used yourself. I have personally racked up a couple themes from different sites, as well as bookmarked some beautiful templates that I wish to purchase in the future, and, as I'm searching and bookmarking, I always make it a point to search for a program to join just in case there's a theme I feel my readers would love for themselves. 

If your theme's designer or homesite doesn't offer an affiliate program, I would suggest applying for 17th Avenue’s program (my current themes homesite), Studiopress (you can find their affiliate program through ShareASale as mentioned above), or BeautifulDawn’s program—along with many others not mentioned. You usually do NOT need to purchase from these sites to join their programs, and, with all of the beautiful themes out there on the internet, you’re bound to have a reader interested in something that would benefit both parties at the end of the day! 

7. BloggerBabes:

Blogger Babes is an awesome website that is dedicated to offering blogging, entrepreneur and overall influencer tips and resources to assist those who want to create and grow their blogs. They offer blog post checklists, guides, ebooks and other helpful resources that YOU can offer your readers to use through their affiliate program! By signing up, you can apply to join their network as well as find products that your readers will benefit from with both links and images that will trace back to the BloggerBabes website. Just as any other affiliate program, you are able to earn commission through each purchase on any of their guides, ebooks and worksheets. If you're interested, Sign up here and start exploring the products they offer both you and your readers.

(The picture down below is an example of some of their eKits they sell for bloggers and entrepreneurs. If you join their program, you would be able to link back to these eKits or ebooks and courses while earning commission from every sale you make!)

Blogger Babes eKit

Sponsored Content

If you want to earn money from your website or social media platform(s), I would highly suggest pursuing sponsored content early on to gain some experience and essentially grow your ‘portfolio’ for future opportunities (as well as make some extra money, duh). To make your search easier, there are awesome platforms that you can join to receive sponsored posts / campaigns for your website, YouTube channel or social media. Talk about making your life easier, right?!

8. Linqia:

One incredible website that offers sponsored content to bloggers and those on social media (or Youtube) is Linqia! With this site, you upload your 'bio', interests, followers on every social media account you own, and other information that could help Linqia send you the right opportunities that fit your brand and platform. Not only is their website easy to use and navigate, but they’re pretty on top of their influencers involved and will email you immediately when an opportunity is available for you to apply for! Check them out to learn more.

9. IZEA:

Another amazing platform that I received my first sponsored opportunity from is IZEA! This site is easy to navigate and, although the opportunities are more random than relevant, it is where I find and bid for most of my sponsored posts. Their system is a bit different, with an area where you can receive direct offers and a section for ‘open bids’ where you can ‘bid’ on an opportunity with whatever amount you would like to be paid and an included space for you to ‘sell yourself’ with an explanation on why you want to be considered for that campaign. 

I, as I would for most of the mentioned websites and programs in this post, would HIGHLY recommend you join IZEA and make sure to check in on your dashboard every couple days, if not daily, for sponsored content opportunities!

Sell Your Own Products

10. Sell your own products, merchandise or digital content:

This is definitely last, but certainly not the least favorite method of earning money through your blog. Many bloggers and YouTubers make MOST of their earnings from their shop page that houses either merchandise, eBooks, courses or other digital content that their audiences will benefit from.

If you are interested in design, I would always suggest checking out Etsy and creating a shop that you’re able to sell your custom designs or physical goods through (if not already able to sell it through your website) along with Gumroad, a blogger friendly service to sell your digital and physical products. If you’re not interested in either of these platforms, find a website / online service that can house your content and handle the checkout process rather than you having to handle it all yourself! (Cheers to my hard-working / lazy bloggers out there!) 

That is ALL I have for you, with plenty of other programs out there that I didn't mention but suggest you research now that you know a few examples I mentioned above!

I hope these websites, networks, and programs will benefit both YOU and your audience in the near future if you're thinking of monetizing your site through multiple methods. Put yourself out there and shoot for the stars. Make sure you know your worth and value your blog for both what it is and what it will BECOME. I wish the best for you and your future endeavors! Comment down below if you have any more recommendations and make sure to Pin this post on Pinterest to share the love!

Make that money, honey,

Miss Lynn


This page contains affiliate links to programs and networks I personally use and enjoy. All opinions are my own! If you want to learn more visit my Disclosure Policy page or Contact Me with any further questions. 


10 Reliable Ways to Make Money Blogging as a New Blogger

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