What is Your ‘Purpose’ & How Can You Find it?

What is your purpose in life?
Whoa, right? I probably don't know your middle name and I’m already asking such a loaded question. Let me take a step back…
What makes you happy?
What do you enjoy doing?
What kind of impact do you want to make on others?
Sounds better and less demanding right? I would much rather walk into a therapy session and ponder on those questions than to delve into what I believe my ‘assigned’ purpose is.
I’m sure you can relate to the uncomfortable dread that surrounds your thoughts anytime you think about what your purpose might actually be. I will admit, ‘purpose’ is one of my favorite words, and used throughout this website, only because I feel as though I've found my own.
Again, I'll admit that I neglected to walk in the shoes of my readers. I throw the word 'purpose' into titles and posts without realizing that many of you may not know what drink you want from Starbucks, let alone the calling bestowed on your life.
Just to get technicalities out of the way, a purpose is:
I like to ‘unpack’ things when I know there’s a deeper meaning hiding in the shadows. So, if a purpose is technically the reason why something ‘exists,’ an even deeper question that will really rock your world is:
Why do YOU exist?
Now, because this can become controversial and trigger some questionable emotions, let me answer this for you.
You exist because you have a place in this world.
There are billions of humans on earth and you are one of them. There is a reason behind your existence and there is more love, power, and strength available just because you are here.
This is cheesy, I know. I promise there’s ‘purpose’ behind why I’m even bringing this up (see what I did there?)
If you have EVER questioned what your purpose is and why you even have to define it, try not to confuse the reasoning behind the word itself.
All people are saying when the question ‘what is your purpose’ comes up is, “what do you enjoy doing that makes you happy and has the potential to make other people happy or give others more strength/purpose/courage?”
Now, there’s A LOT you can jot down on a sheet of paper when thinking about things you enjoy! If it were me, I would write down blogging and life coaching. I would note how much I enjoy making videos and using social media to encourage others.
These things that I would personally enjoy doing and know can impact someone else is what I believe to be MY purpose…
See, it’s not always about waiting for an assignment to be placed on your heart or in an envelope and sent to your front door. Although (if you're a believer), God will surely place tasks on us that we feel the urge to carry through.
Aside from those exceptional moments, your purpose CAN be defined by YOU.
You can use your talents and passions to fuel your ‘purpose.’
You can lose yourself and find your ‘purpose.’
You can read about someone else’s journey to success and see your ‘purpose.’
You can manifest your ‘purpose.’
You can work your butt off to create something that becomes your ‘purpose.’
Your purpose is not something you have to think about for years and stress over as though it can only be defined when our life comes to an end. It can be placed on our hearts in the middle of the night, an emotional breakdown, or a major life change!
Explore what you love, and explore your surroundings to figure out what those around you love. Give to people because you know it encourages them to do the same. Love because you can and not because it’s the right thing to do. Live by the minute and hour rather than waiting, because time is the gift we can’t ask more of.
Before you know it, you’ll see your purpose standing on the sidewalk holding your hand, in the car seat, scribbled throughout a journal, taking over social media, or spreading throughout the cubicles at work.
Find it, lose it, seek it, and find it again. The order of this purpose-filled journey doesn't matter because YOU will always exist for a reason. Never doubt that reason even if it isn't always defined at the moment.
I hope this post was encouraging! Subscribe to my Intentional Newsletter for more nuggets of encouragement and share this post to spread the love.
Stay true, and Live Intentionally.
-Miss Lynn